Monday, September 28, 2009

Almond Milk

OK so you've made the ginger cookies, now you want some nice cold milk to go with them...

Or something creamy to splash on your oatmeal...

Here's my favourite non-dairy milk. If you're wondering what's wrong with cow's milk, read this article:

1 cup almonds
2-3 pitted dates (optional- this is for a little extra sweetness, but it tastes great without it!)

Soak almonds and dates overnight in the fridge. The next day, drain and place in a blender along with 3 cups fresh water (add a little water at a time, to really pulverize the nuts and dates.) Over a medium sized bowl, pour mixture into the cut-off leg of a pair of unused tights* and gently squeeze out all the liquid. Discard nut meal. Rinse tight leg in warm water and hang to dry.

Transfer almond milk to a jug and keep covered in the refrigerator, for up to 5 days.

*You can buy mesh straining bags for making nut milk online- they are only about $10- but I've got my trusty tights for now!

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